Neuchatel, KS – constitution of the church and cemetery


Constitution of the French Protestantism Congregation of Neuchatel (from a copy of the original hand-written document, bearing the State Seal)

State of Kansas
County Nemaha

Known to all men that on the 12th day of December in the year of our Lord 1870 in a pursuance of a public Notice given Notice given by the Rev Henry Morel at the end of The Public worships on the Sabbatical 4th and 11th of this present month of December, The following Citizens of Neuchatel in the County of Nemaha - State of Kansas, Aime E. Bonjour, Henry Beloud, Alfred Bonjour, Henry Labbe, Frederic H. Bonjour, Jonas A. Bonjour, Lefebre Noel, Jean Baptiste Gilson, Isidore Gilson, Florent Thyss, Auguste Mouton, Edouard Mars, Henry Morel, Ernest Descombes, met in the school house of District No 5 in the said county of Nemaha, for the purpose of constituting thenselves into a Religious Corporation for Religious worships in the French language.

The meeting was called to order by The Rev Henry Morell and was organized by the election of Henry Labbe for Chairman and of Alfred Bonjour for Temporary clerk. Then a Constitution and by laws were unanimously adopted embracing the following particulars.

1st That we are hereby constituated a Religious Corporation for ever under the name of The French Protestantism Congregation of Neuchatel in The County of Nemaha and State of Kansas for evangelical worships.

2nd That we will secure a piece of land not exceeding 10 acres which - by gift or by purchase in The town of Neuchatel, County and Sate aforesaid on which we shall build a house of worships and a Parsonage which shall be forever the Property of this Corporation and shall be used only for Evangelical worships.

3rd That the Temporal affairs of this Corporation are intrusted to a board of Directors or Trustees, composed of Three persons chosen among the Male Members of the Church above twenty one years of age, of whom one shall be President, one Secretary and one treasurer. This board shall be elected by ballot at the first Election. One shall be elected for one year, one for two years and one for three years and hereafter a meeting of the male members of this congregation shall take place in the month of December every year in which a new Member to the board of Directors shall be elected for three years.

4th The board of Directors in The Management of the affairs of this corporation shall abide by the provisions of the Constitution and by laws adopted in this meeting.

5th All the male members of this congregation above twenty one years of age shall have the right to vote at the meetings of this corporation and shall enjoy of all the privileges the law grants in such case.

After the preceeding business was finished per order of the chairman, the meeting forwarded to the election of a board of Directors by ballot and the following persons were duly elected. Henry Labbe of Neuchatel was elected President for one year. Alfred Bonjour of Neuchatel was elected Secretary for two years. Frederic H. Bonjour was elected treasurer for three years.

The Directors elected having accepted the offices to which they are elected, the chairman declared the meeting adjourned Sine Die.

In witness thereof we the undersigned set our hands to the present, this 12th day of December A.D. 1870.

H. Labbe, chairman
Alfred Bonjour, clerk
Henry Morell
Noel Lefebre
Henry E. Descombes

State of Kansas
County of Nemaha

On this 18th day of January A.D. 1871. Before me a Justice of The Peace personally appeared the above named H. Labbe Chairman, Alfred Bonjour Clerk and Henry Morell, Noel Lefebre and Henry E. Descombes, and duly acknowledged the aforegoing instrument to be their own voluntary act and deed.

Witness my hand this day and date aforesaid.

(Signed) Henri Beloud, J.P.

I, N. H. Smallwood Secretary of State of the State of Kansas hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original Instrument of writing as filed in my office.
January the 28th A.D. 1871.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunder subscribed my name and caused to be affixed the great seal of the State.
Done at Topeka this the 30thday of January A.D. 1871.

N. H. Smallwood,
Secretary of State


Sales agreement to sell the land for the church and cemetery
Land sales act
1850 - church bell rings again
1994 - a fire destroys the church