Surname Information

The Registry of Swiss Surnames is an indispensable manual for genealogists and historians. It lists in alphabetical order all the families who, in 1962, had the right of citizenship of a Swiss commune. For each family, it indicates the commune (or communes) of which it is bourgeois ("commune of origin"), the date of acquisition of the right of bourgeoisie, the place or the country of which it originated before this acquisition (" old place of origin ").

The list of surnames below taken from my complete list of "Allied Families Around the World", includes the main surnames for which I have probably more information (over 150 individuals per surname, last updated : November 3, 2034).

Last Names / Patronymes Usage Earliest Date
Plus ancien
Adams 247 1629
Allen 295 11 Nov 1567
Anderson 434 1670
Armstrong 167 1708
Bailey 183 22 Mar 1698
Baker 255 4 Jun 1587
Barbier 271 ca 1515
Becker 261 1660
Béguin 180 9 Jan 1707
Bell 187 1685
Bennett 168 1586
Berger 177 21 Apr 1700
Bergman 154 23 Aug 1840
Bonjour 1557 1630
Borel 272 ca 1647
Botteron 452 ca 1540
Bourquin 256 ca Feb 1560
Bovet 166 ca 1594
Brown 633 1600
Broxterman 182 11 Mar 1839
Brüne 182 ca 1745
Brunkow 202 7 Sep 1782
Brunner 240 4 Jan 1741
Bruns 163 4 Oct 1795
Campbell 216 2 Jun 1690
Chiffelle 336 ca 1405
Clark 488 1315
Cook 198 1615
Cooper 178 1555
Cox 203 5 Oct 1680
Davis 440 1585
Day 180 1651
de Chambrier 153 aft 1481
de Coulon 214 12 Dec 1774
de Montmollin 460 1460
de Pourtalès 172 11 Jan 1701
Descombes 615 ca 1565
Despland 279 10 Aug 1663
Deters 197 14 Nov 1809
Droz 179 28 Apr 1697
Du Pasquier 314 1409
Dubois 223 1597
Edwards 194 ca 1640
Evans 170 1706
Fischer 153 ca 1538
Gauchat 473 1670
Geiser 205 ca 1775
Graf 173 1661
Green 243 1644
Hall 227 ca 1490
Harris 202 1645
Haug 252 14 Dec 1741
Haverkamp 253 20 Jan 1817
Henry 386 Oct 1663
Hill 183 23 Apr 1554
Holthaus 282 ca 1790
Howard 168 1240
Humbert-Droz 173 ca 1626
Jackson 182 1498
Jacot 235 23 Jan 1694
Jeanneret 248 7 Nov 1713
Johnson 745 1584
Jones 558 1603
JUNOD 1663 ca 1390
Kaiser 228 1613
Kelly 157 1615
Kennedy 183 13 Mar 1749
King 240 9 Jun 1613
Koch 330 1672
Koelzer 160 7 Jan 1826
Kolterman 158 1817
Kramer 283 8 Nov 1724
Lahme 254 ca 1550
Lange 174 8 Dec 1766
Lewis 259 ca 1544
Lierz 157 27 Mar 1760
Long 174 1590
Luterbacher 303 ca 1640
Martin 522 1610
Meiller 229 7 Aug 1677
Meyer 591 1682
Miller 820 1597
Mitchell 221 ca 1571
Moore 293 1638
Morris 164 Mar 1642
Moser 262 1554
Myers 283 1714
Nelson 266 1634
Olberding 219 26 Nov 1738
Pack 193 ca 1645
Peterson 172 1770
Peugeot 161 ca 1500
Phillips 184 1565
Reed 200 1633
Ribaux 429 ca 1570
Roberts 155 1690
Robinson 196 1677
Rogers 180 1549
Ronnebaum 183 1810
Roth 196 ca 1663
Rottinghaus 180 21 Sep 1821
Sandoz 197 1393
Schmidt 263 Jul 1661
Schmitt 150 1686
Schmitz 205 ca 1760
Schneider 200 1650
Scott 305 1524
Simon 306 19 Jan 1672
Smith 1258 1599
Stallbaumer 258 17 May 1835
Stauffer 280 ca 1610
Steinlage 225 1829
Stewart 174 1581
Surdez 152 1700
Tardin 187 1769
Taylor 426 May 1595
Teske 169 1818
Thomas 338 1598
Thompson 346 1528
Tinembart 245 6 Jan 1684
Tschiffeli 184 ca 1300
Turner 162 1679
Umscheid 222 17 Jun 1774
Wagner 171 1610
Walker 224 abt 1553
Ward 193 13 Apr 1565
Weber 266 10 Jan 1658
Wells 162 1514
White 433 1551
Williams 538 1540
Wilson 475 1603
Wood 164 14 Apr 1606
Wright 239 14 Sep 1569
Young 209 1660
Zabel 162 1709